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Email to Atle Hoie dated 1st October 2021
Dear Atle,

I can see from your email dated 23 September that you have decided to cover up for Steeve Latte and Amandine Iwachow and ignore that they have been mobbing staff members. By doing so, you condone mobbing within IndustriALL.

It is Steeve and Amandine who are giving a bad reputation to IndustriALL. I am just the whistleblower.

Today, I have written proof of mobbing that has taken place in IndustriALL. For the last 10 years I have listened to Paula complain on a daily basis on how she was being mobbed. Paula and I strongly share the same views about mobbing in IndustriALL.

Paula is the only person that has a revenue so she will be paying my medical insurance. Paula would prefer IndustriALL to continue paying the health insurance. If Paula does not fight for her workers’ rights it is because she is terrified to lose her job.

Paula has never in the last five months gone to UNIA or asked for help from a staff rep to defend her workers’ rights. This is the sign of a person that has suffered mobbing for years and dares not stand up for their rights.

Paula has received nothing but support from the affiliates who have decided to defend her. Paula will once more become a target of mobbing within IndustriALL if you continue to ignore the ongoing mobbing.

I am sure that you have talked to Kemal Özkan, Kan Matsuzaki, Matthias Hartwich, Tom Grinter, Glen Mpufane, Helmut Lense and Adam Lee who will confirm that Paula has bitterly complained about mobbing over the years.

I have asked Paula since September 15th to fill in the Helsana form. She is waiting for your approval. I have attached the form.

Paula is my wife, and I love her dearly. So, if I see Paula in a situation where her health needs to be defended, then I have every right to fight against mobbing.

Best regards,

Alan Davidson,