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20th of September 2021 to Atle Hoie describing cases of mobbing in IndustriALL
Dear Atle,

I would like to reiterate my zoom meeting invitation so that we can talk about the mobbing of Maria Paula by Steeve Latte and Amandine Iwachow. The current mobbing has led to Maria Paula losing certain of her rights concerning her medical insurance.

If you are not aware of the systemic mobbing going on in IndustriALL, then please talk to Kan and Kemal who will confirm that they have received numerous complaints of mobbing from Maria Paula over the years. Assurances were given that this would not continue but the latest events have proved once more that nothing has been done within IndustriALL to fight mobbing.

In the latest incident Steeve Latte and his team started psychologically harassing Maria Paula in April 2021 by sending her emails questioning her private life. Ten months beforehand, Maria Paula had confided in Steeve Latte of her new marital situation. Steeve Latte, instead of helping Maria Paula, took advantage of the situation to start mobbing her. The only objective of these emails was to start a painful and cruel mobbing session to eventually wear her down into accepting a CBA rule on medical insurance which was against her interests.

When you look at the answers given to Steeve Latte by Maria Paula in their exchange of emails it is clear that she did not fully understand what the CBA rules on medical insurance were about. Steeve Latte once more took advantage of the situation to mislead Maria Paula. Eventually Maria Paula broke down and agreed that IndustriALL should no longer pay my health insurance. This devious strategy is another illustration of mobbing by Steeve Latte.

Steeve Latte knew the true reason why IndustriAll could not continue to pay out my health insurance but he never informed Maria Paula of the problem. Therefore, he deprived her the possibility to solve the problem. This again is mobbing. Steeve Latte knew that Maria Paula would have to pay for my medical insurance out of her own pocket. His intention was to cause financial harm to Maria Paula. This is yet another illustration of mobbing. Steeve Latte had the simple solution but never informed Maria Paula about it. It was his job to do so but he chose to withhold this information. Steeve Latte used his position as finance director to abuse Maria Paula’s workers’ rights.

I sent two emails to Steeve Latte and Valter Sanches outlining the dispute and giving the arguments which to me seemed straight forward and correct. UNIA concurred with my arguments. Steeve Latte obviously could not admit he had the simple solution to the problem because that would have been a confession to mobbing. Steeve Latte kept silent and never answered my emails.

Maria Paula has been for years scared to get fired due to the ongoing mobbing. She has witnessed what Amandine Iwachow’s mobbing did to Maita Wyss. Maita Wyss was sick for a whole year and eventually resigned. She was even too terrified to return to IndustriALL to remove her personal belongings. There is quite a list of former employees that have suffered the same fate. As an employer it is your responsibility by Swiss law to look after the health of your employees. I sincerely hope that you will not choose to cover up for Steeve Latte and Amandine Iwachow.

I have over the years heard numerous accounts of how Maria Paula was being mobbed. I have also seen Maria Paula’s mental health decline and her refusal to confront her mobbers with their criminal acts. Her present weak state of mind is a result of the continuous mobbing that she has received over the years. She is at the moment suffering from occupational Stockholm syndrome which is shocking. The Stockholm labour syndrome is related to the naturalization of situations of violence that are experienced in a work environment, such as mobbing. That has been the only way Maria Paula has found to cope with the situation.

I really hope that you will take this opportunity to send a clear message to your employees that mobbers do not have their place in an organisation that fights against mobbing. Had Steeve Latte responded to my emails then the affiliates would never have been alerted to the ongoing mobbing situation.

Last but not least Maria Paula has continued studying with the intention of obtaining a better position within IndustriALL. It is needless to say that Steeve Latte and Amandine Iwachow made sure that this never happened. This type of mobbing is especially malicious and soul destroying.

Best regards

Alan Davidson