Home Page - Fight Mobbing

11th of October 2021 to all affiliates.
Dear IndustriALL affiliate,

Atle Hoie had a talk with Paula and came to the conclusion that there is no mobbing in IndustriALL!


Steeve Latte was harassing Paula with questions in emails on her private life between April and August 2021 when he actually had the information since July 2020.

Steeve Latte was using confidential information about Paula’s separation to start asking her if she was still living with her husband.

Steeve Latte’s emails started a painful and cruel mobbing session to eventually wear Paula down into abandoning her workers’ rights on medical insurance which was against her interests.

Steeve Latte was fighting to take away part of Paula’s rights to Health Insurance instead of helping her to keep them.

Steeve Latte gave Paula incorrect information about her Health Insurance making the problem completely confusing to Paula.

Steeve Latte gave a new interpretation of the CBA rules on health insurance all of a sudden in April 2021. The syndicate UNIA who wrote up the CBA rules with IndustriALL, disagrees with Steeve Latte’s interpretation of the CBA rules.

Steeve Latte stopped paying out part of Paula’s health insurance since August 2021.

Steeve Latte knew that Paula would have to pay the medical insurance out of her own pocket since she is the only person in the family with a salary. His intention was to cause financial harm to Paula.

Steeve Latte used his position as finance director to abuse Paula’s workers’ rights.

Due to the financial situation of IndustriALL employees were led to believe that by accepting to lose a social benefit they would in exchange receive an unspoken guarantee not to be fired since they would cost less in social expenses.

Paula has been for years scared to get fired due to the ongoing mobbing by Amandine Iwachow. Paula has witnessed what Amandine Iwachow’s mobbing did to Maita Wyss. Maita Wyss was sick for a whole year and eventually resigned. She was psychologically too terrified to return to IndustriALL to remove her personal belongings.

Paula has continued studying with the intention of obtaining a better position within IndustriALL. Steeve Latte and Amandine Iwachow made sure that this never happened. This type of mobbing is especially malicious and soul destroying. Paula has never advanced professionally in her job.

Who knew that Paula was being mobbed for the last 10 years?

Kemal Özkan, Kan Matsuzaki, Matthias Hartwich, Tom Grinter, Glen Mpufane, Helmut Lense and Adam Lee are persons that will confirm that Paula has bitterly complained to them about being mobbed over the last 10 years.

The psychological consequences of mobbing on Paula:

Paula has never in the last five months gone to her syndicate UNIA or asked for help from a staff rep to defend her workers’ rights. Paula does not dare stand up for her rights. This is the sign of a person that has suffered continuous mobbing over the years.

I have observed Paula’s mental health decline and her refusal to confront her mobbers with their criminal acts. Her present state of mind is weak. She is at the moment suffering from occupational Stockholm syndrome. This syndrome is related to the naturalization of situations of violence that are experienced in a work environment, such as mobbing. That has been the only way Paula has found to cope with the situation.

The current situation:

Atle Hoie has decided to cover up the mobbing by Steeve Latte and Amandine Iwachow and by doing so is condoning mobbing in IndustriALL. Atle Hoie has left Paula in a very difficult position as the mobbing will only continue.

Atle has not responded to the problem of mobbing and there is no sign of any independent investigation.

Nor Atle, nor Steeve have made any attempt to clarify their position on the CBA rules. By admitting they are wrong on the CBA rules is to admit to mobbing.

Atle’s talk with Paula has silenced her.

You may write directly to Paula at paula.davidson@whys.org or by replying to this email to propose the best way to put an end to mobbing in IndustriALL

Thank you for your continued support to Paula,

Alan Davidson